Nose score in snoring & OSA Assessment

Nose and TNSS Score Form

Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE)

Please help us better understand the impact of nasal obstruction on your quality of life by completing the below. Over the past 4 weeks, how much of a problem were the following symptoms for you? *Please mark the closest response
Nasal Congestion or Stuffiness
Nasal Blockage or Obstruction
Trouble Breathing Through My Nose
Trouble Sleeping
Trouble Breathing Through My Nose
Unable to Get Enough Air Through My Nose During Exercise or Exertion

Total Nasal Symptom Score (TNSS)

Please help us better understand the impact of chronic rhinitis on your quality of life by completing the below. Over the past 4 weeks, how much of a problem were the following symptoms for you? *Please mark the closest response
Nasal Congestion
Runny Nose
Nasal Itching
Do you experience constant post-nasal drip?
Do you have a chronic cough?
Are you interested in a non invasive therapy that may improve your sleep regardless of your level of nasal symptoms?

Your responses will be calculated and scored by our specialists, and you will be notified of your outcome. This detailed assessment allows us to provide personalised recommendations and treatments designed to improve your breathing, sleep quality, and overall health.